Ashleighs' Place

Friday, December 31, 2004

The Magic Garden

The Magic Garden
Once upon a time there was a lovely lady and she lived in a beautiful castle with a magical
garden .
She lived alone because her mother and father were dead .
She had lots of money so she bought herself some pets and they would look around her garden.
She found a swing she tried it and then it broke so she bought a new one .
One day when she was in town she saw a very nice man and they instantly fell in love.
She was in a hurry so she kept on going he followed her so he wouldn’t lose her.
She went into a telephone shop and she got a mobile phone and then she went out the door and bumped into him "whopps" she dropped her mobile .
Here I’ll pick it up for you madam
why thank you sir she said were you following me ?
"why yes . I love you and I don’t want to lose you."
"well I’m just going to the supermarket and then home ".
"OK ,I’ll come with you ".
"thank you for helping me get my groceries."
"now I must go home"
"wait can I come too?"
"come on hop in ".
brrim brrim "do you live anywhere?"
"no I don’t have a house . I’m homeless".
"come and live with me then. I have seven rooms so make your self at home".


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